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Aveshan: The Electrification

Oct 31, 2023 - Nov 10, 2023

From October 31 to November 10, 2023, GLUG members Nouman, Rabeeh, Muadh, Azlan, Shabnaz, Rifaz, Saniya, Shakeel and Sanad gave an engaging talk to incoming juniors in the multi-purpose hall and in their respective classes. The event aimed to inspire and familiarize the freshers with the vibrant ecosystem of college clubs.
The session began with a warm welcome to the juniors and an introduction of the speakers as members of various clubs, including GLUG, Embed, GDSC, and IEEE. Each speaker shared their roles within these clubs, highlighting the unique opportunities they offer for skill development and community engagement. They also shared their own journeys and experiences in these clubs, providing insights into the projects they have actively contributed to, their participation in hackathons, the technologies they have worked with, and the victories they achieved.
The speakers introduced the juniors to the tech communities they have fostered, where they can learn new technologies such as web development, Flutter, machine learning, and cybersecurity. Their goal was to encourage juniors to actively engage with these communities and explore the vast opportunities for learning and growth within these dynamic tech domains.
Throughout the session, the speakers delved deeper into their roles within the clubs, elucidating how they have shaped their college experience and honed their skills. For example, the GLUG, the GNU/Linux Users Group, showcased the power of open-source collaboration and its impact on the tech community. The Embed Club offered a platform for hands-on experience with embedded systems, fostering innovation and practical learning. As members of GDSC, the speakers emphasized the clubs role in fostering a passion for development and collaboration on impactful projects. IEEE, on the other hand, provided a global perspective on technology trends and research.
The speakers introduced themselves individually and shared the diversity of projects they have undertaken, from creating innovative solutions in hackathons to contributing to larger community-driven initiatives. They discussed the technologies involved, ranging from web development frameworks to Flutter, and delved into machine learning and AI. The discussion further emphasized the importance of exploring different technologies and encouraged the juniors to consider working on projects that align with their interests and aspirations.
The session ended with a sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm, as the speakers and juniors collectively looked forward to the future contributions of the juniors to these dynamic clubs. The speakers also took the opportunity to share personal insights into their placement experiences, illustrating how being part of these clubs enhanced their resumes and provided talking points during interviews. They emphasized the importance of extracurricular involvement in building a well-rounded profile and discussed how club activities, projects, and leadership roles contributed to their success in securing placements. The session concluded with an open invitation for collaboration, participation, and exploration within these clubs, leaving the juniors motivated and well-prepared for their college journey and future career endeavours.

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